Sunday News!

It's Sunday! Let's take a step back, chill and enjoy some of the highlights of what happened in gaming this week. These can go from new games, new releases, any gaming news to any game development news and anything in between.

We can't be saying new release nowadays without mentioning one of the biggest game ever. The game that beat the record for highest views on Youtube for a non-music video! You've probably guessed it, we're talking GTA VI! Then, we'll talk a little bit about the video game awards and our thoughts. Lastly, another soccer (or football) player joined the gaming world! That's some pretty exciting news so let's dive straight into it!

You have probably seen the GTA VI trailer by now, whether it's from the link provided above or you've seen it circulating the media. We've talked previously about how GTA VI is such a powerhouse in the gaming community. Everybody knows about it and/or has played it. After so many years of waiting for it and so many articles announcing some bit of news around it, we're finally somewhere that we can officially say that we're actually getting closer to it because the official trailer is out. The trailer, as mentioned earlier, was so awaited for that as soon as it came out, it broke the record for fastest growing views on Youtube within 24 hours, previously held by a Mr. Beast video. The trailer was honestly great and for most people reached their expectations, but we have to be careful because trailers tend to do that since it's only a short video but fans were happy with what they saw. Especially how realistic the world, the people and the beaches are. Now we just have to wait for the release in 2025!

Have you followed the video game awards? A lot of fans on twitter and Instagram had different opinions about it. Some saying that it was one of the worst video game awards show ever, mostly because over 60% of the show was NOT awards but rather trailers and promotions of upcoming games. Others think that some games got robbed and that some of the games that won should not have. Well we'd be curious to see how you felt about it if you've seen it and what you think could've been done better. We personally think it was same as usual. We were simply surprised that Legend of Zelda or Spider Man 2 didn't win the game of the year but GG to Baldur's Gate 3 for taking it! You can look at the full list of nominees and winners here.

Another player joins the gaming industry! Last we heard was that Messi decided to co-own an Esports team. Now, Vinicius Junior, great player btw, decided to hop in on the fun as well and join Messi, Aguero, Beckham and more to own an esports team. They see that the future is there and that after their playing career, that's something that'll be a reliable source of income. so why not. Plus they'll be able to carry their fan base to another place where they can keep following them.

Lastly, some quick news, The Esports Observer (also known as TEO), changed their name and branding to "Sports Business Journal". They're saying it's not quite a redevelopment but that there's a requirement for change to the franchise's name, so we'll just have to accept that as is. Also, sadly, we have to officially say bye to E3, since the pandemic, they never recovered from that and they opted to just end it there. It was a good run!

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