What's going to be Netflix's Avatar: The last Airbender's next game?

Avatar! Everyone knows about it. You've either heard about it or watched it yourself. It's been here for years and is still relevant somehow until this day. However, in case you don't know what it is, Avatar: The Last Airbender is an animated TV series that was first aired in 2005. It's about a young 20 y/o named Aang and he's the current avatar, the only person who can control all four elements -water, earth, fire, and air- while all the others can only control one element. Aang is also the last one of the Air style. So the series goes through his life as a young adolescent having to bear this big responsibility and navigating through life that way.

What came from Avatar's success?
Avatar was a great success at the time, so much so that the game even came out only one year later. The RPG action-adventure game turned out to also be a success. More than 90% of players said that's what they expected and wanted from a game after having followed the series on TV. The developers of the game chose the more direct option for the game as that's the easiest way to make a game out of a movie if you ought to keep the storyline.

A lot of people ask us if we can adapt games to films or movies they made. Of course we can, and we also give you the option of being chreative with the conception of the game. The most straightforward way will always be an RPG action-adventure game. If you look at games like Avatar, Spiderman, or Batman, they all have the same way of implementing a game after the films or television series. The reason why they do it that way is that 1. it makes it so much simpler to implement and 2. it makes the player connect and relate easier with the actual character that they've followed throughout the series' journey. That's pretty good but let's expand a little bit on both points to understand how a game of that nature is made.

1. By keeping the format as an action-adventure game, the developers don't need to focus too much on creativity since they already have the storyline laid out. All they need to do is adapt it to fit the expected length of the game. Once that's done, the game is halfway done since all the characters and objects are just sent to the artists to make them look as close to the series as possible. At that point, you can add a bit of flavor and your own personal touch when it comes to the missions and the side-missions that the player will have to go through but that's usually fairly straightforward. Some games, like Spiderman, opted for an open world that keeps the same fundamentals but is still more refined and more complex.

2.  The player has already gone through many episodes of watching the main character go through all its adventures following closely how they act and behave. So in an action-adventure game, the player gets the opportunity to connect even more with the character they like by playing them and feeling like they can make their own destiny. That feeling enhances the user experience and makes it way more enjoyable for the player.

What should we expect from Avatar's next game after release?
Well, the Netflix series has yet to be released and will officially be aired on February 22nd. but no news on a game following it so we'll have to wait for confirmation, so this is purely speculative. We think that it'll be very similar to the first one but they'll make it open world this time to one-up the previous one. Who knows, this time they might surprise us with something else and a more creative game genre.

Speaking of creativity, we are leading a webinar on making games creative and helping people work on their imagination.  It's a webinar that can help and be beneficial to anyone from game developers to gamers to game enthusiasts. You can register now for FREE! We'll see you on February 21st! 
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