Sunday News Nov. 26th!

There has been a lot of new things happening in the gaming world this week. We would love to cover them all but we know you're busy so we'll keep it short and we'll cover the three news or stories that we think are the most interesting ones. If you encounter any other news that you'd like to share, feel free to share it with the community as well! 

Get the game you've been wanting!
With Black Friday last Friday and Cyber Monday coming up tomorrow, there are so many ways to save money and more than that, that's the golden opportunity for you to buy the game you've wanted for so long. Not all games will be discounted but we tallied the ones that you can't go over. If you've never played Call of Duty, especially MW2, here's your chance. It usually sells for 80$ but now, it'll be yours for 60$ only! That's a pretty good deal to play a game that only came out last year! Next, you can have a go at playing Horizon: Forbidden West. One of this year's top games according to a lot of websites can now be yours for only 30$! That's almost 50$ rebate on the regular price! Any sports fan? Well, you can get Madden NFL 24 for 43$! Then, you might as well go look for FC 24 since it's been the sports game of the year! They're all with major discounts and so much more on Amazon and I'm sure at your local Best Buy or store you buy all your games! You still have until at least Cyber Monday to go make your purchase and take advantage of these deals!

Since it's Thanksgiving, we'll keep this one short and we'll take this opportunity to thank all of you for being a member of the ChreativeGaming platform and for sticking with us and giving us feedback on where you think you'd like the platform to go. We're so grateful to have you part of the community and we're only going up from here! 
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